A few tips to follow when preparing a will

A few tips to follow when preparing a will

Planning for one’s death is a difficult and emotional process. It can be difficult to know what to do with your assets, who you want to take care of your children, or how much money should go to each person in your will. The following tips will help you with making a will in Dubai that fits the needs of your family and meets all legal guidelines.

Meet with a lawyer to ensure that your will is legally sound

Every Emirate has different laws about writing a will and many of those laws vary with age. A lawyer can help you understand the legal requirements that your state imposes for creating a valid will, as well as any unique factors that may come into play depending on who is included in the document. If possible, it’s best to meet with an estate planning lawyer with experience in the Emirate where you live, as they will be able to provide insight into local legal practices.

Create a list of assets and beneficiaries for your will

Preparing your will is an excellent opportunity to go through all of your belongings and decide who should receive them once you’re gone. It’s best if each asset has only one beneficiary, but if you’re married and want to leave your belongings to someone other than your spouse, that’s okay too. Make sure all of the beneficiaries are people who would be recognized as legal heirs by local laws.

Make a list of wishes for distribution after death

If there is anything in particular that you’d like done with specific items or assets or if there are other people you want to give money to, include it in the will. For example, if your son is studying medicine and one of his grandparents has promised him AED20k for tuition but then dies before they can deliver on that promise, you may list that person’s name as a beneficiary so he’ll receive their gift. This is also a good time to plan for the care of your pets should you die before they pass away.

Prepare separate documents that will be attached to your will, such as a power-of-attorney and healthcare directive

Many people don’t realize that there are other legal forms which must be filed in addition to an actual will. A power-of-attorney is a document that gives someone else the authority to make decisions on your behalf, should you become unable. For example, if you have an accident and are in critical condition at hospital with no identification or credit cards on hand, there’s no way for the staff to confirm who will pay your bill. If this happens, the person you’ve named as your power-of-attorney can step in and make those decisions on your behalf.

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